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AVR Advertising Agency, Website, Germany

Alfabet AG, Charts & Grafics, Germany

ARAIA Supply Management Consultants GmbH, Flash-Imagefilm, Pressfolder, Germany

Agnesmaria Steinmetzer, workshop for Jewellery - Website, Germany

AQUANTUM AG, Asset Management Consulting & Trading, Corporate Design, Germany - US

AIM Capital AG, Asset Management Consulting, Imagebroshure, Liechtenstein

ARTSTORM Art & Craft classes, Waterford, Ireland


BrokenCrow Theatre Company, Cork, Logoredesign, Ireland

BMW Online Stageteaser, Flashanimationen (BBDO Interone), Germany

BMW Financial Services Formularstrecken Online (BBDO Interone), Germany

Bavaria Film Interactive Animated Onlinecomedy for MSN, Germany

BR und BR Alpha, different Multimediaprojects: "Grundkurs Multimedia", "Multimediamanagement" etc.

Buderus Feinguss, Website, Germany

Buderus Gusskomponenten, Website, Germany

BFG Feinguss Niederrhein GmbH und Moers, Website, Germany


CAPEO GmbH Asset Management & Financial Investments, Germany

Createschools, Progressive Bilingual Primary & Secondary School, Corporate Design, Germany

Consus Capital, Corporate Design, Web, Germany

Coaching Haidhausen, Annette Breunig, Corporate Design, Germany

CONSCIOUS COMPASS, Coaching & Lifestyle, New Ross, Ireland
Chanelling Akademie, Corporate Design, Germany

Dlight Concepts Ltd. Corporate Relaunch, Web & Print, Ireland

Dynasafe Group, Corporate Relaunch, Logo & diverse Printdocuments - Intranet Printplatform, Sweden

DSV Deutscher Skilehrerverband e.V. Website, Germany


Emerald Training Ltd. Corporate Design und Website, Ireland

EDUCATE TOGETHER, Tramore National School, Ireland


University of Applied Sciences Munich, Flyer, Broshures, Eventdesign, Germany

FSS, Funds Software Solutions GmbH, Funds consulting, Corporate Design, Germany

GARDEROS GmbH, Routersysteme, Relaunch, Corporate Design, Germany

GMX/1&1/United Internet AG, Werbebanner, Flashanimations, Germany


HWK, Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern, Website, Germany

Hörbuchverlag (Publishing) Coverdesigns, Germany

HypoVereinsbank, Presentational CD-Rom (TMBC Media GmbH), Germany

HR Forecast, HR Software, Corporate Design - Illustrationen, Germany

Herrmannsdorfer Landwerkstätten CD/ Videocover (TMBC Media GmbH), Germany


Internationale Youthlibrary, Website, Germany

Ilka König Artbooks, Bookshop, Logo, Website, Germany


KMM, Center of Multimedia Competence, Munich, different Multimediaprojekts, Germany

Kochan & Partner Agency, different Corporate Design Projects and Logodevelopement (Studiosus GmbH)


Likron GmbH, Corporate design, website, Germany

Little Daisies GmbH, Priv. bilingual Children care, Corporate Design, Germany


Markensprung, brands- and strategy consulting, website, Germany

Münchner Steuerfachtagung e.V. website, relaunch CD, Germany

MINI Online Stageteaser, Flashanimationen (BBDO Interone), Germany

Mediagear GmbH CI, Website, Imagebroshure, Flyer, Germany

Munich Investment Management GmbH, CI, Germany


OneSquare, Finance Restructurings and Distressed M&A, Logo Design, Website, Marketing Material, Germany


Pepper Technologies AG, Website, Germany

ProSieben bzw. SevenOne Intermedia: Adaption of different TV formats for online purposes, Flash, Germany

Perusa GmbH Asset manager, Website, div. Print designs, Germany

Prinz Software GmbH, Software solutions, divers Screen design, Germany


Ruppert Fux Landmann GmbH, Finance and Restructurings, Corporate Design, Germany


S+L Produktions Medien GmbH, Broshure, Germany

Siemens AG Mobile, product brochures, Germany

Studiosus diverse logo designs (Citylights und Studiosus Gruppenreisen) (Kochan & Partner Agentur GmbH), Logo und Website, Germany

SYNAPPLIX GmbH, Consulting for Asset-, Portfolio- and Funds management for finance and real estate markets.
Logoüberarbeitung, Coulourcode, div. print designs, ppt, Germany


TechPilot DynamicMarkets GmbH, Relaunch, Corporate Design, Germany
TLT Group, Corporate Design, Germany
TMBC Media GmbH Corporate Design, Website, Germany

UONO, Sargmanufaktur, Bildsprache, Print & Ausstellungsdesign, Germany
UNIQUE, website, Germany
UpsyDaisy e.V. CI, website, Germany

Ventil Schmuckgalerie, Website, Germany

Zero Werbeagentur, Website, Germany
Zuerl Drucken & Binden GmbH Website, Germany

ZWO_W Werbung und ZWO_W Werte, CI, Website, Softwareoberfläche und diverse Printprodukte.



AgnesMaria Jewellery, Munich | 2016

Dear Katrin, I have just tried various things. The Font looks great. Thank you.

Stefanie Norman, Co-founder of

Create Schools GmbH, Munich| 2014

Wonderful, thank you! I really like the flyers! A thousand thanks for your hard work.

Martina Jorritsma | 2016

"Thanks so much for your designs, which came out great. Wow, I'm thrilled."

Markus Metz,

FFS Funds Software Solutions,
Munich | 2016

Thanks again for the great design and rapid implementation. You once again helped us a lot.

Nollaig Healy,

Marketing Manager at

Kilkenny Arts Festival, Ireland | 2017

We are all big fans of your work. We’re getting lovely feedback on the poster.

Cllr. Marc Ó Cathasaigh,

Politician, Ireland | 2019

These look really smashing! More and more exciting wee businesses getting off the ground in Tramore lately - a town on the rise!

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